Jon Butcher
Originally based in Boston, 80’s rocker Jon Butcher is alive and doing well in the Los Angeles area. Now traveling the country on an acoustic tour and with a new Barefoot Servants CD released, we caught up with Jon to talk about his past, present and plans for the future...
In 1991, while touring with INXS, the Jon Butcher Axis ceased to exist. "The band had run its creative course, just like any band does, including the Beatles. In addition, there was the strain of me living in California, versus the East coast. Along the Axis was recorded in the Los Angles area and after it was completed, I decided to stay in California." Jon stated.
Looking at the years from 1983 to 1991, Jon was asked why the Jon Butcher Axis never obtained multi-platinum sales success. "Of course I think we deserved to sell millions of records (chuckle); however I believe the problem stemmed in the diversity of the music we made. Diversity can be a blessing and a curse. Diversity helps with your critical success, but it is probably not a good thing for a young band trying to make a name for itself to the masses. But I love all types of music and it is hard for me to not reflect that into the music I produce."
Jon spent the 1990’s on several projects. In 1994, he led a group called Barefoot Servants , which released a self-titled album on Epic Records. Many Butcher fans consider the first Barefoot Servants record their favorite release of Jon’s career.
The band included Leland Sklar on bass, Ben Schultz on guitar and Ray Brinker on drums. "This group was a lot of fun," according to Jon. "We did a tour together and Leland and Ben are great guys and great musicians, so this time in my life has many fond memories." Jon added, "but all of us in Barefoot Servants had careers outside the band, that pulled us in different directions and meant that the group wasn’t going to be a long term thing."